rOpenSci and the Peer-Review of Research Software

Yani Bellini Saibene

こんにちは - Who I’m ? :-)

Communities of Practice

groups of people who share a passion for something that they know how to do, and who interact regularly in order to learn how to do it betterEtienne Wenger


we are a group of people who passion is open and reproducible research for everyone, build it by everyone. And we know how to do it by creating technical and social infrastructure.

  • Creating a suite of carefully vetted, federated R software tools.
  • Making the right data, tools and best practices more discoverable.
  • Welcoming and diverse community.
  • Building capacity of software users and developers and fostering a sense of pride in their work.
  • Promoting advocacy for a culture of data sharing and reusable software.

(Statistical) Software Peer-Review

  • Transparent
  • Constructive
  • Non-adversarial
  • Open

How it works?

  1. Pre-inquiry to check scope to our two software-review streams: scientific data lifecycles and statistical algorithms.
  1. Peer-review: license, documentation, test coverage, usability, quality, stile.
  1. Accepted: badge and add to our suite.

Scope Scientifics Data Lifecycles

  • data deposition
  • data validation and testing
  • workflow automation
  • version control
  • citation management and bibliometrics
  • scentific software wrappers
  • field and laboratory reproducibility tools
  • database software bindings

Scope Statistical Algorithms

  • Bayesian and Monte Carlo software
  • Exploratory Data Analysis and Summary Statistics
  • Machine Learning Software
  • Regression and Supervised Learning
  • Spatial Software
  • Time Series Software
  • Dimensionality Reduction, Clustering, and Unsupervised Learning
  • Probability Distributions

Some numbers

  • 200+ scientific software packages
  • 577 reviewers
  • 700 unique contributors

Why to Participate?

  • Improve software quality.

  • Software as a genuine research output.

    • Agreements with journal for a fast track review.
  • Become part of a community of practice of users and developers around Research Software Engineering:

    • Allow innovation on tools & practices.
    • Eases software dev & maintenance.
    • Enhances software longevity.
    • Fosters collaboration.

Why to Participate? Examples

  • Support the generation of the package documentation website.
  • Help looking for co-maintainers and contributors.
  • Highlight your work in our blog, newsletter, and social media.
  • Create the space for the community answer questions and help to solve problems.
  • Create the space to discuss new ideas.
  • Skills ups opportunities: co-working sessions, community calls, mentoring, training.
  • Share funding, jobs, events and collaboration opportunities.
  • Support when you need to retire a package.

More resources

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